
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

FREE Webinars: The "Natural Cesarean" and Optimal Parenting Conference

Several exciting, free online seminars are coming up in April 2013!  You can participate from any location in the world where you have access to the Internet.

On April 11 at 8 PM Eastern time, Dr. William Camann will speak about the "Natural Cesarean" for Isis Parenting (where I also teach classes on newborn care and breastfeeding).  See the previous post on my blog which describes the natural cesarean here.  Dr. Camann is an advocate for changing practices nationally, including such features as slower delivery of the baby's body during a cesarean, breastfeeding while in the Operating Room, and permitting a doula in the OR.

To register for Dr. Camann's talk, go to  Also visit the Isis Parenting Web page to participate in free, weekly chats with expert child sleep consultants and lactation consultants, and to access recordings of past Webinars on topics including cloth diapering, potty training, finding childcare, childproofing, and many more.

On April 8-12, en*theos presents the Optimal Parenting 101 Virtual Conference.  To register, go to  Here is the conference schedule:

Monday, April 8
12 PT/ 3 ET - Alexandra Jaye Johnson - Optimal Parenting 101
1 PT/ 4 ET - Stephen Cowan, M.D. -  Trust Yourself
2 PT/ 5 ET - Giuditta Tornetta - Pain-Free Childbirth
3 PT/ 6 ET - Latham Thomas - Mama Glow
4 PT/ 7ET - Dan Siegel, M.D. - Parenting from the Inside Out & the Whole-Brain Child
5 PT/ 8 ET - John Mc Dougall, M.D. - Healthy Mom, Kids & Environment
6 PT/ 9 ET - Gurmukh - Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful: Experience the Natural Power of Pregnancy & Birth
7 PT/ 10 ET - Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald - Staying Natural in a Toxic World

Tuesday, April 9
12 PT/ 3 ET - Dr. Alejandro Junger - A Clean Mommy & Baby
1 PT/ 4 ET - Karen Maezen Miller - Momma Zen
2 PT/ 5 ET - Debra Pascali-Bonaro - Orgasmic Birth: The Best Kept Secret
3 PT/ 6 ET - Diana West - Breastfeeding Essentials
4 PT/ 7ET - Dr. Heidi Grant Halvorson - The Psychology of Optimal Parenting
5 PT/ 8 ET - Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova - Birth Into Being
6 PT/ 9 ET - Elizabeth Davis - Orgasmic Birth: How to Have a Safe, Natural and Amazing Homebirth
7 PT/ 10 ET - Jack Newman, M.D. - Optimizing Breastfeeding

Wednesday, April 10
12 PT/ 3 ET - Natalia Rose - How to Create a Life Force Family
1 PT/ 4 ET - Carla Stang, Ph.D - Indigenous Wisdom on Pregnancy & Birth
2 PT/ 5 ET - Sheri Winston - Wholistic Sexuality During Pregnancy & Birth
3 PT/ 6 ET - Elena Brower - The Art of Attention: Parenting
4 PT/ 7ET - Leo Babauta - Zen Habits & The Art of Parenting
5 PT/ 8 ET - Gayle Peterson, Ph.D - Being a Mother is a Gift to the World
6 PT/ 9 ET - Laura Shanley - Natural Childbirth
7 PT/ 10 ET - Shazzie - Superfood Nutrition & Ecstatic Pregnancy

Thursday, April 11
12 PT/ 3 ET - Sonia Choquette - Nurturing Your Child’s Intuitive Spark
1 PT/ 4 ET - Maggie Ney, N.D. - Optimizing Women’s Health
2 PT/ 5 ET - Sheila Kamara Hay - Ecstatic Birth & the Importance of Pleasure
3 PT/ 6 ET - Robbie Davis Floyd - Breaking Cultural Norms and Owning Your Birth
4 PT/ 7ET - Jennifer Louden - Sheroic Parenting
5 PT/ 8 ET - Angela Stokes-Monarch - Raw Nutrition, Pregnancy & Unassisted Birth
6 PT/ 9 ET - Nekole Shapiro - Embodied Birth
7 PT/ 10 ET - Sarah Buckley, M.D. - Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering

Friday, April 12
12 PT/ 3 ET - Ingrid Bauer - Diaper Free!
1 PT/ 4 ET - Joel Fuhrman, M.D. - Disease-Proof Your Child
2 PT/ 5 ET - John Douillard, D.C. - Perfect Health for Kids
3 PT/ 6 ET - Naomi Aldort - Understanding Your Children’s Needs
4 PT/ 7ET - Mary Jackson - Birth in Connection
5 PT/ 8 ET - Carrie Contey - Slow Family Living

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